Stat System Change: View Announcement

Tyus Hoeppner (998879)

League Details For Most Recent TOC Year
MarksDartsSourceMatchesLatest MatchMPR
1635153643 1201/21/20253.193
1166115735A 1108/12/20243.023
Leagues can be excluded for a variety of reasons. The most likely reason is a format inconsistent with PPD minimum format requirements, game counts, and matches played minimum. Please see the rules for details on the requirements for league stat inclusion.

Major Tournament Details
MarksDartsEvent CodeDateMPR
124130TUAM 10/08/20242.862
91108TUPM 10/08/20242.528
8091MOAM 10/07/20242.637
127100MOPM 10/07/20243.810
Breakdown per event of up-to the most recent 1000 darts thrown in Major Tournament competition within the last 3 years.

Major Tournament Overall Average
Total Marks Total Darts  MPR
945 / 973 * 3 = 2.914
Based on all darts consisting of up-to the most recent 1000 darts thrown in Major Tournament competition within the last 3 years.
>>> View individual game breakdown.

Major Tournament Curved 1-Year Average
Total Marks Total Darts  MPR
745 / 684 * 3 = 3.268
All Major Tournament play in the last year with the lowest 10% and highest 3% of games by individual game performance removed.
>>> View individual game breakdown.

DRT Details
411414Team 11501/23/20252.978
115112Team 11601/18/20253.080
258224Team 17201/18/20253.455
8399Team 28601/01/20252.515
7284Team 17712/29/20242.571
2956Team 3912/26/20241.554
Breakdown per event of up-to the last 1000 darts thrown in DRT competition.

DRT Overall Average
Total Marks Total Darts  MPR
968 / 989 * 3 = 2.936
Based on all darts consisting of up-to the most recent 1000 darts thrown in DRT competition within the last 3 years.
>>> View individual game breakdown.

DRT Curved 1-Year Average
GamesRemovedTotal Marks Total Darts  MPR
90111822270 / 22932 * 3 = 2.913
All DRT play in the last year with the lowest 10% and highest 3% of games by individual game performance removed.
>>> View individual game breakdown.