League Details For Most Recent TOC Year
Marks | Darts | Source | Matches | Latest Match | MPR |
1587 | 1581 | 5Z2H09 | 14 | 11/29/2024 | 3.011 |
969 | 949 | 3C2H92 | 11 | 11/26/2024 | 3.063 |
1203 | 1138 | 2Z2H07 | 8 | 11/25/2024 | 3.171 |
1223 | 1160 | ELI120 | 13 | 11/20/2024 | 3.163 |
1602 | 1442 | 3C2H88 | 16 | 08/20/2024 | 3.333 |
424 | 407 | TOSO2 | 4 | 08/15/2024 | 3.125 |
922 | 816 | MMA95 | 9 | 08/12/2024 | 3.390 |
1860 | 1757 | 5Z2H01 | 13 | 07/24/2024 | 3.176 |
Leagues can be excluded for a variety of reasons. The most likely reason is a format inconsistent with PPD minimum format requirements, game counts, and matches played minimum. Please see the rules for details on the requirements for league stat inclusion.
Major Tournament Details
Marks | Darts | Event Code | Date | MPR |
64 | 53 | AN2408 | 11/16/2024 | 3.623 |
207 | 202 | MNF24 | 10/09/2024 | 3.074 |
118 | 93 | TUPM | 10/08/2024 | 3.806 |
183 | 152 | TUAM | 10/08/2024 | 3.612 |
Breakdown per event of up-to the most recent 500 darts thrown in Major Tournament competition within the last 3 years.
Major Tournament Overall Average
Total Marks | | Total Darts | | | MPR |
572 |
| 500 |
* 3
| 3.432 |
Based on all darts consisting of up-to the most recent 500 darts thrown in Major Tournament competition within the last 3 years.
DRT Details
Marks | Darts | Team | Date | MPR |
648 | 552 | Team 148 | 11/24/2024 | 3.522 |
195 | 164 | Team 489 | 08/17/2024 | 3.567 |
338 | 283 | Team 116 | 08/17/2024 | 3.583 |
Breakdown per event of up-to the last 1000 darts thrown in DRT competition.
DRT Overall Average
Total Marks | | Total Darts | | | MPR |
1181 |
| 999 |
* 3
| 3.547 |
Based on all darts consisting of up-to the most recent 1000 darts thrown in DRT competition within the last 3 years.