League Details For Most Recent TOC Year
Marks | Darts | Source | Matches | Latest Match | MPR |
600 | 745 | EVSN12 | 7 | 12/01/2024 | 2.416 |
994 | 1139 | ELI120 | 12 | 11/20/2024 | 2.618 |
738 | 960 | EML124 | 17 | 07/22/2024 | 2.306 |
Leagues can be excluded for a variety of reasons. The most likely reason is a format inconsistent with PPD minimum format requirements, game counts, and matches played minimum. Please see the rules for details on the requirements for league stat inclusion.
Major Tournament Details
Marks | Darts | Event Code | Date | MPR |
80 | 121 | MNF24 | 10/09/2024 | 1.983 |
53 | 76 | TUAM | 10/08/2024 | 2.092 |
44 | 78 | MOPM | 10/07/2024 | 1.692 |
161 | 223 | MOAM | 10/07/2024 | 2.166 |
Breakdown per event of up-to the most recent 500 darts thrown in Major Tournament competition within the last 3 years.
Major Tournament Overall Average
Total Marks | | Total Darts | | | MPR |
338 |
| 498 |
* 3
| 2.036 |
Based on all darts consisting of up-to the most recent 500 darts thrown in Major Tournament competition within the last 3 years.
DRT Details
Marks | Darts | Team | Date | MPR |
118 | 159 | Team 70 | 06/22/2024 | 2.226 |
113 | 111 | Team 178 | 06/16/2024 | 3.054 |
87 | 108 | Team 85 | 06/15/2024 | 2.417 |
91 | 114 | Team 101 | 05/05/2024 | 2.395 |
25 | 30 | Team 83 | 03/15/2024 | 2.500 |
92 | 106 | Team 123 | 03/15/2024 | 2.604 |
269 | 370 | Team 292 | 03/15/2024 | 2.181 |
Breakdown per event of up-to the last 1000 darts thrown in DRT competition.
DRT Overall Average
Total Marks | | Total Darts | | | MPR |
795 |
| 998 |
* 3
| 2.390 |
Based on all darts consisting of up-to the most recent 1000 darts thrown in DRT competition within the last 3 years.